Boise Restoration Blog

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Water Damage?

Hopefully, you won’t ever have to deal with water damage in your home. But for some of us, this is an issue that we will face at some point or another down the line.

Water damage is any damage that water can create to your property.

In a normally functioning home, water should only enter your property through specially fitted pipes and it should only exit these pipes at their designated endpoint (perhaps a tap or showerhead) when water is wanted (when you turn the tap or showerhead on).

Unfortunately, water can make its way into parts of your home when and where it isn’t wanted. There are various ways this can happen - flooding and leaks are just two potential problems. The damage caused by water can become extensive, varying from structural issues to aesthetic issues, mold and wood rot.

Putting a stop to the cause of the leak is just the first step towards rectifying the problem. You will then need to have restoration work carried out to put your home to rights.

Many people will call their insurer to cover these costs. But does home insurance actually cover water damage?

Does Home Insurance Cover Water Damage?

The correct answer is entirely dependent on the homeowners insurance policy you’ve taken out. Some policies don’t cover any water damage, some policies will cover specific aspects of water damage and a few will cover everything. Here are some areas you might have covered:

  • Dwelling Coverage - this covers any damage to the overall structure of your home
  • Personal Belongings Coverage - this covers the content of your property

Be extra careful to check what type of water damage is and isn’t covered in your homeowner’s insurance policy. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to your insurance agent about possible situations and if you would be covered in even the most unbelievable circumstances.

When to Call a Restoration Company

You should call Complete Restoration Services as soon as you notice the water damage. This is because water damage can often proliferate and grow worse over time. The sooner you call out restoration services, the sooner wrongs will be put to rights and the less damage and costs you’ll experience in the long run.

Why Call a Restoration Company Before Contacting your Insurance?

Many people wait for their insurance company to call out a restoration company on their behalf, or they’ll call out a restoration company once they’ve already contacted their insurer and then have the insurer reimburse them the costs.

But it’s important to remember that this isn’t the only option you have. You can call restoration services before contacting your insurer. This gives you a good idea of a quote and can actually help you save money overall. Here at Complete Restoration Services, we can survey your property and let you know how much repairs will cost before you contact your insurer. Not only that, we will contact your homeowner’s insurance, so you don’t have to deal with that headache during your water remediation project.

If you have water damage problems, reach out to us as soon as possible on (208) 794-9073. We’ll be able to get the ball rolling in the right direction and Get You Back To Normal.

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