Boise Restoration Blog

Tips for a Christmas Safe from Water and Ice Damage

According the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety, water from a frozen pipe that bursts cause an average of more than $5,000 in damages.

Prevent Freezing Pipes

If you're traveling for Christmas, take measures to prevent freezing pipes. Leave your heat on while you're away. Insulate your exposed pipes. Open cabinet doors below sinks so warm air can circulate there. Turn the water off at the main supply valve. Allow your faucet to drip slowly so that the water drains out of the pipes. Finally, have someone you trust check on your home while you're away.

Stop Ice Dams on Roofs and Gutters

An ice dam results when snow melts on your roof's warm areas, then the snow refreezes when it gets to the colder edge of the roof. As snow continues to melt, the resulting water is trapped behind the ice dam. Then water can get under the shingles and leak into the house. Since ice dams are due to warm attics, adding more insulation to the attic and increasing the attic's ventilation should prevent ice dams. Keeping your gutters clean will also reduce the risk of ice dams.

Snow Damage

If you live in an area prone to heavy amounts of snow, the weight of the snow could lead to a roof collapse. Get a roof rake that allows you to remove snow while you stand on the ground or hire a company who can safely remove the snow.

We hope your holidays are safe. However, if you need assistance with restoration due to water and ice damage we are available 24/7 to help with the following water and ice issues:

  • Frozen/Broken Pipes
  • Ice and Snow Damage
  • Storm/Flood Water
  • Sprinkler System Failures
  • Water from Fire Department
  • Roof Leakage
  • Foundation Leakage
  • Toilet Overflow
  • Sink Overflow
  • Sewer Backup

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